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              深度超過6000米的深海區(qū)域稱為海斗深淵(Hadal trench),占全球海域面積約1-2%,在海洋垂直梯度上占45%,已有研究表明那里棲息著稀有的生物種類。由于深海探測技術手段的限制,人類對在這個黑暗世界中所生存的生物知之甚少。我們將利用深海技術裝備,開展深淵生物的種類分布、生物多樣性、資源保護、及生態(tài)進化等方面的研究。通過傳統(tǒng)形態(tài)學分類手段與分子生物技術(如DNA條形碼)相結合,對所收集的相關物種進行鑒別; 對深海生物進行分子系統(tǒng)學研究,探討深海特有物種的起源及進化機制;分析不同水層的深海生物種群的遺傳結構,研究生物的遷移規(guī)律(基因流),推測深淵生物的進化歷史。 


              1977年,美國科學家在加拉帕格斯裂谷發(fā)現(xiàn)了第一個深海熱液生態(tài)系統(tǒng),及大量的生物種群,如管狀蠕蟲、貝、蝦等,被譽為20世紀生物學和地球科學領域最重大的發(fā)現(xiàn)之一。生物在同一個熱液區(qū)呈規(guī)律性的梯度分布:在近噴口處的高溫區(qū)域(60~110℃),主要分布著嗜熱菌和古菌;在稍遠處溫度為20~45℃的區(qū)域,則生活著嗜熱的龐貝蟲(Alvinella pompejana),它的耐溫范圍可高達80°C;而在距熱液噴口較遠的,溫度為 2~15℃的區(qū)域,生物種類和數(shù)量則明顯增多,常見的種類有管狀蠕蟲、貝類、蝦類、蟹類等。這些生物是如何適應深海極端環(huán)境(高壓、高溫等)的?我們將開展不同生境下的比較生物學研究,采取原位觀測以及室內觀測(實驗室高壓培養(yǎng))等手段,對深海和淺海生物在形態(tài)、生理、繁殖方式等方面進行比較,同時比較其在基因水平上的差異,研究生物對深海極端環(huán)境的適應機制,并探討如何利用這些深海生物資源。 




              劉  君,博士,助理研究員 

              崔  丹,碩士,項目助理 


              孔  雪,博士研究生,2015年入學 






















              Jun, Liu., Helu, Liu., Haibin, Zhang*. (2018) Phylogeny and evolutionary radiation of the marine mussels (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes[J]. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 126, 233-240. 

              Liu, Jun., Zhang, Haibin* (2018) DNA barcoding for species identification in deep-sea clams (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Vesicomyidae)[J]. Mitochondrial DNA Part A: 29. 

              Helu, Liu., Shanya, Cai., Jun, Liu., Haibin, Zhang.* (2018) Comparative mitochondrial genomic analyses of three chemosynthetic vesicomyid clams from deep-sea[J].  Ecology and Evolution. 2018;8: 7261–7272 

              Liu, Helu., Kong, Xue., Chen, Jiawei., Zhang, Haibin* (2018) De novo sequencing and transcriptome analysis of Stichopus horrens to reveal genes related to biosynthesis of triterpenoids[J]. Aquaculture, 491:358-367. 

              Xue, Kong., Helu, Liu., Haibin, Zhang*. (2018) Positive selection adaptation of two-domain arginine kinase (AK) from cold seep Vesicomyidae clams[J]. Molecular Biology Reports, 15. 

              Li, Yanan., Kong, Xue., Chen, Jiawei., Zhang, Haibin *. (2018) Characteristics of the Copper,Zinc Superoxide Dismutase of a Hadal Sea Cucumber (Paelopatides sp.) from the Mariana Trench[J]. Marine Drugs, 16(5):15. 

              Liu, Helu., Wang, Hui., Cai, Shanya., Zhang, Haibin*. (2017) A Novel omega 3-Desaturase in the Deep Sea Giant Tubeworm Riftia pachyptila[J]. Marine Biotechnology, 19(4):345-350. 

              Liu, Helu., Cai, Shanya., Zhang, Haibin.*, Vrijenhoek, Robert. (2016) Complete mitochondrial genome of hydrothermal vent clam Calyptogena magnifica[J]. Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 27(6): 4333-4335. 

              Zhang, H.*, Johnson, S., Flores, V., & Vrijenhoek, R. (2015) Intergradation between discrete lineages of Tevnia jerichonana, a deep-sea hydrothermal vent tubeworm. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 121, 53-61. 

              Zhang, H.*, Geller, J. & Vrijenhoek, R. (2014) Genetic diversity in native and introduced populations of the amethyst gem clam Gemma gemma (Totten, 1834) from the U.S. east and west coasts. Biological Invasions, 16, 2725-2735. 

              Marti, M.E.*, Colonna, W.J., Patra, P., Zhang, H., Green, C., Reznik, G., Pynn, M., Jarrell, K., Nyman, J.A., Somasundaran, P., Glatz, C.E. & Lamsal, B.P. (2014) Production and characterization of microbial biosurfactants for potential use in oil-spill remediation. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 55, 31-39. 

              Zhang, H.* & Hare, M.P. (2012) Identifying and reducing AFLP genotyping error: an example of tradeoffs when comparing population structure in broadcast spawning versus brooding oysters. Heredity, 108, 616-625. 

              Zhang, H.*, Scarpa, J. & Hare, M.P. (2010) Differential Fertilization Success Between Two Populations of Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Biological Bulletin, 219, 142-150. 

              Zhang, H.., Liu, X., Zhang, G.F.* & Wang, C.D. (2008) Production of a base population and its responses to F-1 selection in the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians Lamarck (1819). Aquaculture Research, 39, 913-918. 

              Zhang, H., Liu, X., Zhang, G.* & Wang, C. (2007a) Growth and survival of reciprocal crosses between two bay scallops, Argopecten irradians concentricus Say and A. irradians irradians Lamarck. Aquaculture, 272, S88-S93. 

              Qin, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, H. & Zhang, G*. (2007b) Effect of parental stock size on F-1 genetic structure in the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians (Lamarck, 1819). Aquaculture Research, 38, 174-181. 

              Qin, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, H., Zhang, G.* & Guo, X. (2007b) Genetic mapping of size-related quantitative trait loci (QTL) in the bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) using AFLP and microsatellite markers. Aquaculture, 272, 281-290. 

              Qin, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, H., Zhang, G.* & Guo, X. (2007c) Identification and mapping of amplified fragment length polymorphism markers linked to shell color in bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians (Lamarck, 1819). Marine Biotechnology, 9, 66-73. 

              Zhang, H., Liu, X., Zhang, G.F.* & Zhang, G.Z. (2005) Effects of effective population size on the F-2 growth and survival of bay scallop Argopecten irradians irradians (Lamarck). Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 24, 114-120. 

              Zhang, H., Liu, X., Zhang, G.F.* & Zhang, G.Z. (2005) Effects of effective population size (Ne) on the F1 growth and survival of Bay scallop Argopecten irradians. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 27(2): 177-180. (Chinese with English abstract) 



              Zhang, H., Johnson, S., Flores, V., & Vrijenhoek, R. Population connectivity of the hydrothermal vent tubeworm, Tevnia jerichonana, along the East Pacific Rise. The 3rd World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Oct 12-16, 2014, Qingdao, China. 

              Zhang, H. & Hare, M.P. Population genetic structure in crested oyster, Ostrea equestris along the east coast of Florida. 10th International Larval Biology Symposium, July 30-Augest 3, 2013, Berkeley, California, USA. 

              Zhang, H. & Nyman, J. Acute toxicity of Surfactin, FA-Glu and COREXIT to larvae of Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis. 21st Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Nov 6-10, 2011, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA 

              Zhang, H. & Hare, M.P. Gene flow and genetic diversity compared between a broadcast spawning and brooding oyster using AFLP data. Evolution conference, June 25-29, 2010, Portland, Oregon, USA 

              Zhang, H., Scarpa, J. & Hare, M.P. A test for prezygotic barriers to hybridization between oysters across a genetic step cline. Evolution conference, June 12-16, 2009, Moscow, Idaho, USA 

              Zhang, H., Liu, X., Zhang, G. & Wang, C. Growth and survival of reciprocal crosses between two bay scallops, Agropecten irradians concentricus Say and Argopecten irradians irradians Lamarck. IX International Symposium Genetics in Aquaculture, 2006, p113. 

              Zhang, H., Liu, X., Zhang, G. & Wang, C. Combining ability in larval growth of bay scallop Argopecten irradians irradians breeding lines. IX International Congress on Medical and Applied Malacology, 2006, p34 

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